APSE Wales
All 22 councils in Wales are members of APSE or APSE performance networks and area-based activity includes 3 advisory groups which meet twice a year and are free for APSE Wales members to attend; environmental services and highways; housing and building maintenance; and catering and cleaning. APSE Wales also has a great reputation for active seminars with high profile speakers from the Welsh Government and the WLGA.
Innovation, income generation and efficiencies – Friday 22 June 2012
This APSE Wales event included the following speakers:
- Overview of the public service reform agenda in Wales – Piers Bisson, Deputy Director, Public Services Reform, Welsh Government
- Entrepreneurial approaches to change - Mark Bramah, Assistant Chief Executive, APSE
- Gearing up to collaborate - Susan Perkins, Regional Co-ordinator Central Wales, Welsh Local Government Association
- Asset management - Sioned Evans, Head of Property Division, Welsh Government
- Swindon Commercial Services: A wholly owned company model - Bill Fisher, Managing Director, Swindon Commercial Services Ltd
- Public to public partnership working in service delivery - Glynn Humphries, Service Director: Cleaner & Greener and Ian Jones, Street Scene Manager, Wakefield Council
- Legal forms of shared services - Richard Auton, Director, Walker Morris Solicitors
- Environmental services and Highways: The Central Wales Infrastructure Collaboration - David Williams, Project Manager Central Wales Infrastructure Collaboration, Powys County Council
- Procurement: Welsh Purchasing Consortium - Robert Jones, WPC Procurement Manager, Cardiff Council
- Catering and Cleaning: Business development, generating income and improving productivity - Michelle Ryan, Group Manager - Cleaning and Grounds Service and Mary Butler, Head of Catering, Staffordshire County Council
Click here to view the presentations
Apprenticeships, skills and training - Wednesday 22 August 2012
This APSE Wales event included the following speakers:
- Tackling youth unemployment - the UK wide context – Debbie Johns, Principal Advisor, APSE
- Youth construction projects with local authorities and housing association in Wales - Joanna Hills, Operations Director and Laura-Anne Butler, Wales Projects Assistant, Construction Youth Trust
- Qualification framework for Highways Operations and for Multi Skilled Building Maintenance Operations - George Swann, Standards and Qualifications Developer, Construction Skills
- Creating apprenticeships, training and employment opportunities through a Housing Association - Gareth John, Head of Property and Maintenance, NPT homes
- Swansea’s award-winning NEETS scheme and embedding social clauses to maximise training and job opportunities - Helen Beddow, Strategic Development Officer , County of Swanseaand Jo-Ann Walsh, Keeping in Touch Strategy Manager, Careers Wales
- A shared apprenticeship scheme - Richard Workman, Director of Technical Services, Carmarthenshire County Council
- Why Caerphilly have embarked on an apprenticeship programme for highways, options considered and benefits/challenges - Gareth Richards, Highways Maintenance Manager, Caerphilly County Borough Council
- Building clauses into highways contracts and succession planning - Discussion session led by Andrew Loosemore, Operational Manager - Highways & Engineering, Vale of Glamorgan Council
- • Apprenticeships and Trainee Scheme - The Cardiff Experience - Jonathan Maidment, Operational Manager (Parks & Sport), Cardiff Council
Click here to view the presentations
Forthcoming APSE Wales events 2012
- Winter Maintenance event: Powys Arts Service, The Drama Centre, Tremont Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5EB on Friday 26th October, 2012 (free of charge for APSE Wales members)
- Catering and cleaning advisory group meeting: Powys Arts Service, The Drama Centre, Tremont Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5EB on Thursday 15 November 2012 (free of charge for APSE Wales members)
- Environmental services and highways advisory group meeting: Friday 23 November 2012, venue to be confirmed (free of charge for APSE Wales members)
APSE Wales Chair and Secretary
Chair: Cllr Arwyn Woolcock, Neath Port Talbot CBC
Vice-chair: Cllr Clive Lloyd, City and County of Swansea
Secretary: Karen Armstrong, Flintshire County Council
APSE Wales Secretariat Support
Debbie Johns
APSE Principal Advisor
In the first instance please contact Debbie on djohns@apse.org.uk
Or by telephone 0161 772 1810
Or in writing to
Debbie Johns
APSE Wales
2nd Floor Washbrook House
Lancastrian Office Centre
32 Talbot Road
Old Trafford
M32 0FP