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Advisory groups


The National Advisory Groups provide APSE membership with a network of meeting forums to share good practice with peers, to learn about the most current issues relating to the service and to listen to leading experts in the field. All the groups have a regular programme of quarterly meetings with other meetings called to discuss topical issues such as responses to consultation papers. Attendances at the groups are around 50 on average indicating that the demand for regular service specific advisory group meetings with strong and relevant agendas and the opportunity to network with colleagues from similar service backgrounds is still seen as a key service from the Association.  These meetings are free of charge for APSE member Authorities.


There are currently 15 advisory groups:


Advisory group
benchmarking group
For more information about the groups work or for a copy of the most recent meeting papers

Building cleaning


Rob Bailey



Rob Bailey

Citizen engagement


Mo Baines

Community safety and security


Mo Baines

Efficiencies, procurement and service transformation  


Mo Baines

Housing, construction and building maintenance


Phil Brennan

Leisure management and community venues


Rob Bailey

Local authority, police and fire and rescue partnerships group


Mo Baines

Parks, horticultural and ground maintenance


Debbie Johns

Roads, highways and street lighting


Phil Brennan

Social Care


Rob Bailey

Vehiclemaintenance and transport operations


Debbie Johns

Waste management, refuse collection and street cleansing


Debbie Johns

Workforce strategy and employee relations


Mo Baines


Thematic Forums


Thematic Forum For more information about the groups work
Sustainability and environment Mark Bramah
Asset management and regeneration Mark Bramah
Crime, disorder and neighbourhood management Mark Bramah
Citizen engagement, governance and service delivery Mark Bramah

Benchmarking meetings


Most of the service-specific Advisory Groups are followed by a Benchmarking meeting in the afternoon. These meetings focus on interpreting; analysing and benchmarking the APSE performance networks data.  These contain learning sets, with lead discussions from best performing and most improved Authorities to understand why they are performing well. These meetings are free of charge for APSE Performance Networks member Authorities.


Area focus


These National Advisory Groups are also complemented by various Advisory Groups for specific areas:

APSE Scotland


Advisory group For more information about the groups work or for a copy of the most recent meeting papers.
Building and housing services Louise McMillan
Parks, grounds and street services Louise McMillan
Roads and lighting services Louise McMillan
Soft FM services Louise McMillan
Sports, leisure and cultural services Louise McMillan
Transport and mechanical services Louise McMillan
Waste and recycling services Louise McMillan


APSE South and South West of England

Advisory group For more information about the groups work or for a copy of the most recent meeting papers.
Construction, building maintenance and housing Rob Bailey
Environmental services Rob Bailey
Healthy living Rob Bailey


APSE Wales


Advisory group For more information about the groups work or for a copy of the most recent meeting papers.
Environmental services and highways Debbie Johns
Healthy living Debbie Johns
Housing and building maintenance Debbie Johns



Is my authority a member?

To find out if your authority is an APSE or APSE performance networks member, please email the APSE office at enquiries@apse.org.uk or contact the Secretariat on 0161 772 1810.


How can I receive future invites?


Contact the APSE office on 0161 772 1810

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