Innovation, income generation and efficiencies –
Friday 22 June 2012 |
Overview of the public service reform agenda in Wales – Piers Bisson, Deputy Director, Public Services Reform, Welsh Government |
Entrepreneurial approaches to change - Mark Bramah, Assistant Chief Executive, APSE |
Gearing up to collaborate - Susan Perkins, Regional Co-ordinator Central Wales, Welsh Local Government Association |
Asset management - Sioned Evans, Head of Property Division, Welsh Government |
Swindon Commercial Services: A wholly owned company model - Bill Fisher, Managing Director, Swindon Commercial Services Ltd |
Public to public partnership working in service delivery - Glynn Humphries, Service Director: Cleaner & Greener and Ian Jones, Street Scene Manager, Wakefield Council |
Legal forms of shared services - Richard Auton, Director, Walker Morris Solicitors |
Environmental services and Highways: The Central Wales Infrastructure Collaboration - David Williams, Project Manager Central Wales Infrastructure Collaboration, Powys County Council |
Procurement: Welsh Purchasing Consortium - Robert Jones, WPC Procurement Manager, Cardiff Council |
Catering and Cleaning: Business development, generating income and improving productivity - Michelle Ryan, Group Manager - Cleaning and Grounds Service and Mary Butler, Head of Catering, Staffordshire County Council |