Apprenticeships, skills and
training - Wednesday 22 August 2012 |
Tackling youth unemployment - the UK wide context – Debbie Johns, Principal Advisor, APSE |
Youth construction projects with local authorities and housing association in Wales - Joanna Hills, Operations Director and Laura-Anne Butler, Wales Projects Assistant, Construction Youth Trust |
Qualification framework for Highways Operations and for Multi Skilled Building Maintenance Operations - George Swann, Standards and Qualifications Developer, Construction Skills |
Creating apprenticeships, training and employment opportunities through a Housing Association - Gareth John, Head of Property and Maintenance, NPT homes |
Swansea’s award-winning NEETS scheme and embedding social clauses to maximise training and job opportunities - Helen Beddow, Strategic Development Officer , County of Swanseaand Jo-Ann Walsh, Keeping in Touch Strategy Manager, Careers Wales |
A shared apprenticeship scheme - Richard Workman, Director of Technical Services, Carmarthenshire County Council |
Why Caerphilly have embarked on an apprenticeship programme for highways, options considered and benefits/challenges - Gareth Richards, Highways Maintenance Manager, Caerphilly County Borough Council |
Building clauses into highways contracts and succession planning - Discussion session led by Andrew Loosemore, Operational Manager - Highways & Engineering, Vale of Glamorgan Council |
Apprenticeships and Trainee Scheme - The Cardiff Experience - Jonathan Maidment, Operational Manager (Parks & Sport), Cardiff Council |